Twitter Card Generator

Search Engine Optimization

Twitter Card Generator

Fill in required fields.


Copy your code.
<meta name="twitter:card" content="">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:name:iphone" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:id:iphone" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:name:ipad" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:id:ipad" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:name:googleplay" content="">
<meta name="twitter:app:id:googleplay" content="">

About Twitter Card Generator

Twitter Card Generator: Create Free Twitter Cards To Share Your Photos


When Twitter started, users could only type or send no longer than 140 characters. This restriction stays in place, so the user can only send important or necessary messages. Twitter just started letting its users add photos and videos to their accounts.


What is a Twitter Card Generator?


There was a time when people could write everything they wanted to say in just 140 characters. In this small space, they had to use as few words as possible to explain every detail. But the amount of Twitter followers grew quickly, and people started asking for more room.


So, the people who made Twitter changed the limit to 240 characters. Still, Twitter was unable to post videos and other media types. After Twitter cards were made, this became possible, and now everyone uses them to share important information.


At the moment, Twitter is the way that every big and small celebrity, business, and politician talks to the rest of the world. So, it has become a platform with a lot of power. You need to understand how to make Twitter cards to use them fully.


Some websites have a Twitter card generator that allows you to make a card to promote a product, an app, or a person. Some of the points in the article below will teach you everything you require to understand its importance.


Various types of Twitter Cards


There are three Twitter cards: Summary of Content, Photo, and Video. With the summary Twitter cards, you can post a content summary. The point of view of the photo and video cards is clear. Some Meta Tags are used for all kinds of cards and are called "Twitter-Specific." Every Twitter Tag starts with the word "Twitter." Some Meta Tags can be used to make any Twitter card.


  • Card: The kind of card that will be made. Like the Summary, Picture, or Video that's given.

  • URL: The web address (URL) of the site you should use for the card. The link to the page will be the same as this URL.

  • Title: The title of the content, photo, or video you want to show on the Twitter Card.

  • Description: You will create a 200-character description of the material at the specified URL.

  • Image: The URL of the image that goes with the text. You can put the logo for your website or business here.


How does Twitter Card Generator work?


Adding a Twitter card to your online portal would assist if you knew a little about how technology works. This tool makes a text with a meta tag involved in a website's source code. Please scroll down to learn more about how it works.


  • Search for the "Twitter card generator tool" in your browser and open the first two or three sites. You can choose any of them to receive an online form to fill out.

  • Twitter lets you make five kinds of cards: an app, a product, a player, a summary, and a summary with a big picture.

  • After choosing, you must enter the site username, app name, iPhone app ID, Google Play app ID, etc. Fill in the information you think is important and leave the rest.

  • Please choose the country where your app will be used and write 280 words about it. The code will be made automatically, and you'll need a webmaster tool to copy it to the clipboard and paste it into the site's source code.

  • Once set up, you can use it whenever you want to post a new tweet.


Making Good Use of the Twitter Card Generator Tool


New ways to make communication easier are opening up many new marketing opportunities. In this digital world, social media has become the most important thing. People's minds are being swayed a lot by social media, whether promoting a person or a business or changing how people think.


Almost no one who uses the internet doesn't involve themselves in any way in social media. People of all ages find it easy to use the internet because of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning. You are not even required to be smart enough to use smartphone features to talk to people worldwide.


Currently, Facebook and Twitter have the most influence in the social media world. Whether you wish to talk about your private or public life, these platforms give you enough room to say anything. You can add new information in words and through images, audio, and video.


On Facebook, it's easy to post pictures, videos, and other multimedia, but Twitter works differently. It's important to make a Twitter card if you want to share audio or video content. In the following article, you'll understand how it works and why it's important in today's world.


Want to apply to Twitter?


To give you a Twitter Card, your site must be approved by Twitter. With this step, all illegal sites and activities are stopped and blocked. You can apply online to get a Twitter card. The website would then request basic information about your website and the cards you want to use.


Once the validation process for your website is done, the approval will be sent to you. Twitter says the validation process takes between 2 and 10 days to finish. Once Twitter approves the card and gives it to you, you can begin using them.




Twitter is the most well-known and then used social media site around the world. Thousands of people use it to share their thoughts, news, and various other things. The tool for making Twitter cards is free, simple to use, and good at what it does.