Change Text Case

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Change Text Case

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Sur Change Text Case

A Complete Guide to Changing Text Case


One of the useful tools you can use for free is the Text Case Changer tool. The tool automatically changes the text's case and ensures you don't lose any content. The letter case changes more smoothly with this tool than with other word editors.


What is the Change Text Case?


Change text case is a tool that lets us change text size, font, and capitalization, among other things. Everyone uses this tool to draw more attention to the text. It's important because it helps people who work in the typing field, like book writers, typists, etc. It can do a lot of work in a short amount of time by making the right text.


There are many times when we only require the capital of a word's first letter. For example, it would be very hard to manually capitalize every name on a list of a hundred names. The person then uses this tool to easily solve this problem. Also, when we write articles, we have to use this for every sentence's capitalization.


It's simple to use and saves time. In general, to use a text case, we must first select the text and then click the change text tool. Select the option that best fits your requirements. The chosen text changed into the one we chose. Change text cases can be found in Excel worksheets, Word, Photoshop, Google Sheets, and PowerPoint. In all of these programs, it helps if the text is useful and makes sense.


  • With the sentence case option, you can make the first letter of each sentence in the selected text all capital letters.

  • Capitalization is done by using uppercase letters. You can capitalize each letter in the text you chose.

  • Lowercase is a setting that makes all of the letters you choose smaller. In the title case, only the first letter of each word is capitalized. By title case, the first letter of the chosen text was made bigger.

  • The Toggle case is the opposite of changing from small letters to capital letters and from capital letters to small letters. It means selected text changes from lowercase to uppercase or from uppercase to lowercase.


We use a lot of English sentences in the work we do every day. At the same time, it needed both upper and lower case. If there were only a few sentences, writing both upper and lower case as needed would be easy. But if there were a lot of mistakes in a sentence, we would have to change it. So, SEO tools have this feature that lets you change the sentence case. 


How to use a Text Case Converter?


All uppercase and lowercase letters typed into the text field will have their text case changed by the text tool.


  • Copy the text you'd like to change.

  • Paste the text you copied into the tool's text area.

  • Please choose the option you wish to employ by clicking on it.

  • Your answer will be shown in a few seconds.


An easy way to change the uppercase letters to lowercase ones:


You might make mistakes with capitalization and lowercase letters while typing the document. Some word-processing software will find your mistakes and then fix them for you. But this will only fix the grammar mistakes.


But changing the case of the text can be done easily. You can change the way the text is written. You only require to copy the text and paste it afterward. Choose the case you'd like to change.


One of the SEO tools you can use is the Text Case Converter. It's an online text converter that can take lowercase and uppercase text and change it to the case you want.


Sub-Tools by Text to Case Converter:


Different kinds of sub-options or sub-tools come with the Text Case converter. The text case converter has the following:


  • Sentence Case

  • Lower Case

  • Upper Case

  • Capitalized Case


Sentence Case Text Converter:


The sentence case text tool only uses the first letter of the initial word of a sentence. And then change it to all capital letters. In the US and UK, the sentence case is called "Down Style" or "Reference Style," and newspaper publishers use it for titles, headings, and headlines. Follow these steps to change the text to sentence case:


  • Copy the text first.

  • Paste the text you copied into the tool's text area.

  • Choose Sentence Case by clicking on it.

  • Your answer will be shown in a few seconds.


Lower Case Text Converter:


Every letter in a word except the first one is usually written in lowercase. Proper nouns must start with an uppercase letter, and the first letter of a word goes at the beginning of the sentence.


  • Copy the text first.

  • Paste the text you copied into the tool's text area.

  • Click on the option that says Lower Case.

  • Your answer will be shown in a few seconds.


Upper Case Text Converter:


Every lowercase letter you type in the text field area is changed to an uppercase letter by the Upper Case text tool. In ads, messages that stand out, or headlines, capital letters are used. In the texts, they also show the acronyms.


  • Copy the text first.

  • Paste the text you copied into the tool's text area.

  • Click on the option for Upper Case.

  • Your answer will be shown in a few seconds.


Capitalized Case:


Capitalized words or "Title cases" are often used in text titles, where every word in the sentence starts with a capital letter except for conjunctions and prepositions.


  • Copy the text first.

  • Paste the text you copied into the tool's text area.

  • Click on the option that says "Capitalized Case."

  • Your answer will be shown in a few seconds.




You might have made a few errors when you typed a document or piece of content. The mistake could be a wrong word, a misspelled word, or a lowercase letter. It has a tool for changing the case of the text. This tool is free and simple for you to use. Under the tool, there are smaller tools that you can use to change the text case in the way you want.

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